Assignment task:
Benchmark - Aging Health Comparison Essay (Philippines)
Explore aging trends in other counties /cultures by doing the following:
1. Explore websites for information on other countries /cultures (the CIA World Factbook is a good place to start )
2, Choose a culture /country and compare it to the United States.
3. Describe the health policies, health programs, and general health trends in the county /culture you choose as compared to the United States.
4. Describe lifestyles trends, including the value and roles of older adults in the country/ culture you chose as compared to the United States
5. Describe the social life of aging adults in the country you choose as compared to the United States
6. Discuss the retirement age in the country/culture and the mean economic cost of retirement to individuals and society. Include who the major caregivers are in the country/culture as compared to the United States.
7. Discuss any major similarities and differences between the two countries /cultures, what are the advantages and disadvantages of differences when compared to the United States
Need six in-text citations and 6 references.