
Problem concerning the constitution


This assignment is about the Constitution. You will be graded on your ability to think through the prompt and answer it carefully and thoroughly. Read through the U.S. Constitution and its amendments. If you propose something already included in the Constitution or any Amendments, it will be an automatic heavy deduction. You need to provide a Title for your amendment which is informative. You need to describe what your amendment would do and why it is needed You need to explain why it is needed at the national and not state/local level. I expect at least 4-5 sentences. It also has to be rational. We will not judge your political inclinations, but if you propose everyone needs to be tattooed or receive forced euthanasia at age 40, they will receive heavy penalties. You will be penalized if it is late and/or incomplete and/or completely off topic. All questions count towards the point total.

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Reference No:- TGS03442587

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