
Problem concerning reviewing the air and water quality

Assignment task:

After reviewing the air and water quality in your textbook, which do you think is the most important in your community-water quality or air quality? Which do you think has a greater effect on the community? Provide a rationale for your response.

Respond to my classmate's post to the above Question stating why you agree. (A Minimum of 200 Words)

Discussion 1 Charlene:

In my community, I believe that water quality is the most critical issue, as it has a direct and immediate impact on human health and daily life. Access to clean water is essential for drinking, cooking, and hygiene, making it a fundamental for survival. For instance, in areas like Fort Cavazos, where extreme weather conditions can cause water scarcity or contamination, ensuring the quality of water is key. Contaminants such as lead, pesticides, and industrial pollutants can cause severe health issues, ranging from gastrointestinal illnesses to long-term effects like kidney damage or cancer. The Flint, Michigan crisis is a stark reminder of how compromised water quality can lead to catastrophic health outcomes and erode public trust in essential services. Moreover, waterborne diseases can spread rapidly, especially in communities where the infrastructure is old or poorly maintained, making water quality a public health priority.

Air quality also impacts health, especially for vulnerable populations like children and the elderly, but I think its effects are less immediately noticeable compared to those of water quality. In urban areas, air pollution from vehicles and industrial emissions can exacerbate respiratory conditions such as asthma and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, in my community, the immediate availability and safety of water is crucial because it affects our day-to-day lives more directly. Clean water is something we depend on multiple times a day, and without it, basic activities like drinking and bathing become dangerous.

After reviewing the air and water quality in your textbook, which do you think is the most important in your community-water quality or air quality? Which do you think has a greater effect on the community? Provide a rationale for your response.

Respond to my classmate's post to the above Question stating why you agree. (A Minimum of 200 Words)

Discussion 2 (Christina):

Water that is supplied to homes in the US is already treated in order for it to be safe enough to drink (Friis, 2019). By this, I mean water that is supplied by municipalities by water mains to homes and businesses. Water from wells, of course, would not fall under this category. Since water is already being treated to meet EPA standards, we have seen how this can work with water that would not otherwise be safe to just drink from the original source. Additional means of making water potable include catching rainwater (which would require clean air), and using water purification tablets, like many do when camping. We also have the opportunity to purchase bottled water to use for drinking. People can also boil water to kill viruses, bacteria, and parasites (CDC, 2022). The Centers for Disease Control (2022) also provided instructions on how we can use filters, UV light, or bleach to make water safe.

Air quality, however, is more difficult for the individual to have control over. Of course, we can make sure filters in heating/air conditioning systems are clean and use portable air purifiers, Some house plants, such as peace lilies, snake plants, aloe, and others, absorb airborne toxins and can help improve indoor air quality (Vanno, 2021). Outdoor air is much more difficult for the individual to be able to influence. Climate change and various forms of air pollution, especially near large cities, have such an impact on those who live and work there. Poor air quality can have adverse effects on our health, and can lead to asthma, lung and heart disease (Friis, 2019). Since people can do more to mitigate the risks of poor water quality, I say air quality is more important and has a greater effect on the community.


Centers for Disease Control. (November 2022). Making water safe in an emergency. CDC.

Friis, R.H. (2019). Essentials of environmental health (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Vanno, S. (November 2021). Houseplants for healthier indoor air. Cornell University.

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