Problem concerning overhead cost

Problem: A Co recently received an order from a potential customer outside the Co. normal geographic service region for a price of $9,000. The size of the proposed job is 22,000 square feet. The Co. normal service costs are as follows:

Unit level materials $0.18 per square foot
Unit Level Labor $0.25 per square foot
Unit Level variable overhead $0.08 per square foot
Facility level overhead Allocated at $0.10 per square foot

If the Co. accepts this offer:

a) will the Co $4,420 on the job;

b) Lose 2,220 on the job

c) lose $460 on the job

d) Earn $5,040.

Not sure how to set up the formula to get the correct answer.

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Accounting Basics: Problem concerning overhead cost
Reference No:- TGS01932830

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