Problem concerning existing sport outreach organization

Assignment task:

2 replies of at least 200 words. Must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed journal articles, the textbook, and the Bible.

(Original Discussion Post - From personal experience, the example of an existing sport outreach organization, or from what you've learned in the course, describe an effective way sport and recreation can be used to teach Biblical principles and help people know Christ better. Describe the context of the example and explain why you think it is effective.)

Manage Discussion by Ricky Breakfield

Reply to Ricky Breakfield

I have had many personal experiences through playing sports as well as using sports to teach life lessons. One of the ways sports can be used is through teaching biblical lessons as well though. I have been a teacher in a Men of Honor Camp as well as a vacation bible school. Both programs have similar concepts as sport outreach organizations as my role was to use some type of athletic activity to teach the youth about Christ. One of the strategies I used was starting each session with a devotional and using a key word that we would connect to a scripture. For instance, one time I used a key word in vacation Bible study which was perseverance. We did a running challenge where the kids had to persevere through the hot heat because it was hot out there that day as well as persevere through fatigue. The scripture I vaguely remember using was Hebrews 12: 1-2- Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Cues I would use to motivate the kids when they wanted to give up was using the word persevere, finish, or don't give up. Using the biblical context allowed the kids to see the bigger picture of perseverance through a more spiritual view such as living the good life may get hard, but we must not get tire of doing what is right because the one that endures unto the end shall be saved (Matthew 24:13). Kris Vallotton from Bethel Church says courage can be found in that small voice indicating that it's not always booming. Even in the face of adversity, he says to persevere and fulfill God's requests until He provides you with something fresh. He says that when we don't give up, grace multiplies and frequently results from our selflessness and notes that Jesus has fulfilled all of His obligations and is now depending on us to fulfill yours (Vallotton, 2018). This shows us to persevere in Jesus through the face of adversity, and we will be rewarded according to His will.


Vallotton, K., (2018). Why Your Perseverance in Hard Times Matters More Than You Think. KV Ministries.

Manage Discussion by Jeff Headrick

Reply to Jeff Headrick

This class took me back to one of the best times of my life, a time of spiritual growth that has lasted throughout my adulthood.  I am from East Texas and after high school I received an opportunity to play football at a small Christian college called Trinity Bible College in North Dakota.  I was a Believer, but not everyone that plays football at a Christian college is a born again Christian.  Some guys just come to play football.  However, before and during the season, all of us guys found ourselves in a Sports Outreach while on the team at Trinity.  Even though we were very competitive in football every aspect was based on growing in Christ and ministering the gospel through the game of football.

The first two weeks of training camp was called Fun and Foundation.  This was not done at the college, but at a remote camping resort.  Like every training camp it was very demanding and rigorous.  However, this was a time that every drill and activity was Biblically based.  It was not only a football training camp, but a spiritual training camp as well.  Here relationships were formed and our coach was beginning to point us towards Christ.  Some of the spiritual activities included devotionals, prayer time as a team, and small group discussions centered on Biblical principles of how Christ dealt with hardships and adversities.  After our evening meal, there would be a time of worship and testimonials.  Later, there was a time of fellowship that really helped relationships to build and grow.  Training camp was so beneficial, both spiritually and relationally.  It was amazing how our coach laid out a Christian foundation throughout this camp and relationships between players and coaches were formed.

Once the season was underway, the ministry aspect of this Sports Outreach continued.  On road trips for the games, we always stopped along the way at a Christian school that would allow us to come and do a short ministry time.  We also stayed at local churches or host families.  On Friday nights before the game, we all came together for a devotional and time of prayer.  After the game, if the opposing coach would allow his team, we would have a short devotional and prayer time together.  That Sunday, we would minister at a local church.  Through all of this we were growing in Christ, and other lives were also impacted because of our ministry.

This was a special time in my life.  Speaking from experience this type of Sports Outreach was very effective because I was able to be ministered to and grow in Christ by doing something I totally love - playing football!  As great as the football experience was at Trinity, the ministry and spiritual growth was life changing.  I Timothy 4:8 says, "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (NIV).  In this way, so many lives were impacted for the Kingdom of God through the Sports Outreach I was in at Trinity.

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