Problem 1: Define and explain 5 of the following terms as it was used in the context of the course:
Circles of certainty Vertical Integration
Prescription Physical and Institutional Distance
Dialectic Bio-cultural Diversity
Meritocracy Turangawaewae
Problem 2: Explain how the zones of proximal development and zone of feasible innovation may be linked to community development and education. Use diagrams as required.
Problem 3: Explain how changing one's relations to self, others and the environment might contribute to social and ecological peace, use a diagram to support your discussion.
Problem 4: Apply your learning from the class to assess the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in the article overleaf.
Article: Supreme Court ruling paves way for development of massive ski resort on sacred First Nation land by Kathleen Harris
Attachment:- Supreme Court ruling paves way.rar