
Problem based on sentence combining: subordinate clauses

Assignment task:

Sentence combining: Subordinate Clauses

To practice writing sentences with subordinate clauses, combine each pair of main clauses into one sentence. Use either subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns as appropriate, referring to the lists in the "Common subordinating clauses" and "Relative pronouns" boxes if necessary. You will have to add, delete, and rearrange words. Each item has more than one possible answer.

Example: She did not have her tire irons with her. She could not change her bicycle tire.

Because she did not have her tire irons with her, she could not change her bicycle tire.

1. Moviegoers expect something. Movie sequels should be as exciting as the original films.

2. A few sequels are good films. Most sequels are poor imitations of the originals.

3. A sequel to a blockbuster film arrives in the theater. Crowds quickly line up to see it.

4. Viewers pay to see the same villains and heroes. They remember these characters fondly.

Viewers pay to see the same villains and heroes whom they remember fondly.

5. Afterward, viewers often grumble about filmmakers. The filmmakers rehash tired plots and characters.

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Other Subject: Problem based on sentence combining: subordinate clauses
Reference No:- TGS03353961

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