Assignment Instructions:
Rokeach Value Survey
On the two pages are two lists of values, each in alphabetical order. Each value is accompanied by a short description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value in its order of importance to you for each of the two lists. Study each list and think of how much each value may act as a guiding principle in your life.
To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you. Write the number 1 in the blank space next to that value. Next, choose the value is of second in importance to you and write the number 2 in the blank next to it. Work your way through the list until you have ranked all 18 values on this page. The value that is of least importance to you should appear in Box 18.
When you have finished ranking all 18 values, turn the page and rank the next 18 values in the same way. Please do each page separately.
What to post:
You do not have to share your total findings, but please post some comments here to show that you did the survey. If we were in "face" class you would be discussing this in small groups. Now this is just self-reflection on your ethical values.
1. What are the most important two values for you in each section? From whence....and why?
2. What were the least important two in each section? From whence....and why?
3. What does this say to you? Explain.
4. Compare your values to Happy about this.