
Problem based on ratio of masses

Three types of charged particles, lets call them A, B, and C, are accelerated and then pass through a velocity selector so that we know they have the same velocity, moving to the right. They then enter a region where the magnetic field is pointing into the paper. Particles A and B are deflected upwards, as shown, while particle C is deflected downwards. The paths of the charges in the field are arcs of circles with the radii being 0.45 m for charge A, 0.69 m for charge B, and 0.10 m for charge C. Assume that the magnitude of the charge is the same for all the particles. What is the ratio (mass of A)/(mass of B)? What is the ratio (mass of A)/(mass of C)?

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Physics: Problem based on ratio of masses
Reference No:- TGS0723529

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