
Problem based on promprt - bread in the bible

Assignment task:

Session Discussion Prompt: Bread in the Bible

Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition, Ann M. Smith, PhD, RDN, LD Twelfth Edition

What would be a reasonable response, question, or comment to this post with in-text citations and references?

"I started reading in the assigned book for this class and the same verse kept coming to mind. As stated in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do l to the glory of God" (The Holy Bible. English Standard Version. 2001). I know this doesn't speak of bread but it's a reminder that even what we consume and all that we do should be in His honor while acknowledging that we are redeemed and part of His plans. I need to focus on what is beneficial in my purpose to serve the Lord. Being obedient and not acting with indulgence. In my thought process about bread in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 11:26 "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes" (The Holy Bible. English Standard Version. 2001.) I chose this verse as I trust in the Lord and His holy word. The Lord's Supper is spoken about in this book of the bible. It gives a visual representation of what's intended. Bread is broken to represent the body of Christ. It's an awareness of His sacrifice and His promise of His return. The consumption of bread is part of the understanding that God lives within us so we may be fruitful outwardly. This scripture is powerful and represents the reason for being faithful in what I believe. "We obtain the energy we need for body functions and physical activity from various calorie sources" (Smith & Spees. 2022. Pp. 15). Consumption of God's word and what I intake is all fuel to sustain a healthy way of living. The world we live in today is full of temptation and it's easy to be consumed by worldly desire. Keeping my focus on God and his promise helps me to be a better human and to live my life according to His direction and not my own."


Smith, A., Collene, A., & Spees, C. (2022). Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition (12th ed.).

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. (2001). Crossway.

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