
Problem based on personal identity and free will

Assignment Task: There are two elements to this week's discussion; personal identity and free will.

For this discussion post, start by explaining what makes us the same unified self throughout our lives. Is Parfit correct? Or Hume (recall the bundle theory of self from a few weeks back)? Is it about bodily continuity? Or psychological continuity? Perhaps each of these views is incorrect. You need to develop an argument defending a view of personal identity.

What are some of the implications of your view? What are some limitations? Answer each question here. Next, do we have free will, or is everything determined (or, is there a compromise position available - compatibilism)? Per van Inwagen, regardless of which position one chooses (be it determinism, compatibilism or free will), we must accept a mystery.

Which position do you think is correct? Provide good reasons for the position you accept. Remember that you cannot solve this problem by saying you make choices - one in a determined system also makes choices.

The root of this problem is the source of these choices - are they determined by genetics and environmental influences, or are they the product of our own will. Think deeply about this problem, do not just say that you have free will - we may only have the illusion of free will? Investigate the issue before responding, do not just rely on preconceived notions Readings for the week include:

Part 1: David Hume, "Of Skepticism with Regard to the Senses"

Part 2: David Hume, "An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding"

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