
Problem based on lead and manage organisational change

Assignment Task: Lead and Manage Organisational Change

Executive Summary:

An executive summary is quite different from an introduction and should be written after you have completed your report.

It is a summary of the report in which you include sentence/s for every main section of your report. For example, you can include:

  • Overview of subject matter
  • Methods of analysis
  • The context of the research
  • The purpose of the report
  • The major findings (you may need several sentences here)
  • The conclusions
  • The main recommendations.

Table of Contents:

Creating a "Table of Contents": (delete these instructions after you have generated the "Table of Contents" on this page)

An up-to-date word processing packages can generate a "Table of Contents" for you. Make sure the correct page numbers are shown opposite the contents.

Your table of contents should contain:

  • a heading that says "Contents" or "Table of contents"
  • the same topics that you have used as sub headings through the report.
  • list of numbered sections in the report and the page numbers where all this information can be found (ensure they are correct).


Your introduction should give enough background information to provide a context for the report. It should:

  • outline the purpose of the report
  • clarify key terms and indicate the scope of the report (i.e. what the report will cover).
  • outline terms of reference and the report's structure


- This is the main area of your assessment tasks. Here you include the Assessment Task number, then Part A or B etc. (as required) or the question you are answering.

The content of the report body would usually include the following:

  • Information organised under appropriate topics/headings with sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section.
  • Analysis/discussion of the sources you are reporting.
  • Literature review - describes literature relevant to your topic
  • Method - summarises what you did and why using past tense, includes information on method of data collection (if applicable),
  • Findings or results - describes what you discovered, and observed in your observations and experiments and is written in the past tense.
  • Discussion on the findings of your report and discussion of findings in light of theory
  • Discussion - discusses and explains your findings and relates them to previous research.


Your conclusion sums up the main points of the report and should not include new information. It states the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion.

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Tags: Organisational Change Assignment Help, Organisational Change Homework Help, Organisational Change Coursework, Organisational Change Solved Assignments 

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Other Management: Problem based on lead and manage organisational change
Reference No:- TGS03054798

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