Dedicate at least one afternoon to exploring your community. You are encouraged to spend some time on foot. As you engage with your community, attempt to do so from the perspective of someone from an at-risk population, that is new to the area. If your community has public transportation, take 1 trip using public transit or research the process of getting from one location to another using that system. If your community does not have public transportation, consider what unique barriers this presents to the residents of your community. Visit 2 distinctly different areas of your community (for instance, downtown versus West side) and document your observations. Shop and/or eat somewhere you have never been to in your community. Reflect on this experience. Interview at least 3 residents, with different perspectives (for instance differing age, race/ethnicity, time lived in the community, etc). These interviews can be as formal or informal as you would like; however, you should ask two key questions: what do you like about your community, and what would you like to see change about your community? In addition to the two social service agencies you visited last week, research what other agencies exist in your community. Pay