Topic: The Enron bankruptcy of 2001
Areas to be addressed in your paper:
- What are the lessons for investors?
- Enron has demonstrated how easy it is to cook a firm's books. Can the manipulation of financial statements be avoided? Is ethical conduct consistent with good business sense?
- Is corporate greed (deceit) consistent with profit maximization and/or the enlightened self interest of management and employees?
- What are the lessons from Enron for the auditing profession - is there a need for radical audit reform?
- What is the impact of the Enron collapse on energy deregulation in the U.S.?
- What is the impact of the new set of corporate-governance rules (approved by the SEC under the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley act) on "boardroom excesses"?
- What were the roles of the CEO/CFO in the Enron crisis?
- Is there something in common between the Enron & WorldCom scandals?