
Problem based on demographic categories

The United Way conducted two appeals ("A" and "B") in Atlanta. Results of the appeals were:

- 30,000 people were targeted in appeal A; 50,000 were targeted in appeal B.

- 2,700 people contributed in Appeal A; 5,500 people contributed in Appeal B

- Contribution totals were $55,000 for Appeal A and $86,000 for Appeal B

Contribution levels were reported in three demographic categories - Gender, Income, and Age:

GENDER                     INCOME                                                    AGE

M: Male                     Low (L): Under $25,000                  ≤40      40-60       ≥60

F: Female                  Medium (M): $25,000-$75,000           27        34           39

                               High (H): $75,000 and over               41        33           26

______________________ ________________________________________________     

                   CONTRIBUTION LEVELS (Percentage of People Contributing)


                     GENDER                       INCOME                                AGE

APPEAL          M        F                  H        M        L                 ≤40    40-60   ≥60     

      A            48      52                 21       35       44                27        34     39         

      B            58       42                29       34       37                41        33        26___

Q1.  Which appeal (A or B) was more effective based on the following measures?

a.  Percentage response rate?

b.  Average dollar contribution per respondent?

Q2.  Considering both appeals, which gender was more responsive?

Q3.  Considering both appeals, which income class was most responsive?


a. In the 40-60 age group, how many people contributed in Appeal B?

b. In the ≥60 age group, how many dollars were contributed in Appeal A?

Q5. In Appeal B, if 40% of the low-income people are female, what percent are male?

Q6. If the probability of being a low-income male is 30% and the probability of being a middle-aged male is 40%, what is the probability of being a low-income, middle-age male?

Q7. What changes do you suggest for the three existing demographic categories?

Q8. What additional demographic categories could be included?

Q9. What graphical representations could be used to portray the following survey findings:

a. Contribution levels in percentages (%) for gender, income and age?

b. Contribution levels in dollars ($) for gender, income and age? 

c. Annual contribution levels (in % and $) for both appeals over the past 20 years?

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Basic Statistics: Problem based on demographic categories
Reference No:- TGS0688256

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