
Problem based on current nursing practice


There are more than 400 nursing journals listed in Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory. In addition, much research relevant to nursing is published in non-nursing journals. There is exciting growth in the field of research, with many resources available to the public. Though much research has been done, there are still many areas not yet fully researched. Maybe you will one day contribute to this vast area of nursing knowledge.

Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing sponsors a quarterly, peer-reviewed, evidence-based nursing journal. You can find out more by visiting the website: https://www.nursingsociety.org/.


The Importance of Evidence-Based Nursing

The nursing profession has an obligation to patients and families to provide high-quality, cost-effective care. The care nurses provide must be based on solid knowledge based in research. It is important nurses use these research findings to ensure that health care delivery is at its best.

There are four steps to solving problems through Evidence-Based Practice:

1. Identify the problem based on current nursing practice

2. Conduct a review of literature pertaining to the identified problem

3. Evaluate this information gained from the literature review

4. Choose interventions based on the evidence of the research.

Journal Readings:

Open the Nursing Articles by Database document and sort for the unit to determine where these articles are located. Review this video to learn how to use the document. Click here to obtain the transcript.

Alspach, G. (2006). Nurses’ use and understanding of evidence-based practice: Some preliminary evidence. Critical Care Nurse, 26(6), 11-12.

Levin, R. F. (2008). Evidence-based practice: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 22(3), 168-170.

Buccheri, R., Trygstad, L., Buffum, M., & Gerlock, A. (2010). Developing an evidence-based practice for psychiatric nursing. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 48(5), 3-5.

Walsh, N. (2010). Dissemination of evidence into practice: Opportunities and threats. Primary Health Care, 20(3), 26-30.

Note: Sample articles for Unit 9 Discussion Topic:

The following articles are genuine research articles and may be used to assist you in answering your Unit 9 Discussion topic:

Beck, D. T., & Watson, S. (2010). Subsequent childbirth after a previous traumatic birth. Nursing Research, 59(4), 241-249.

Hudson, A. L., Nyamathi, A., Greengold, B., Slagle, A. Koniak-Griffin, D., Khalilifard, F., & Getzoff, D. (2010). Health-seeking challenges among homeless youth. Nursing Research, 59(3), 212-218.

Schachman, K. A. (2010). Online fathering: The experience of first-time fatherhood in combat- deployed troops. Nursing Research, 59(1), 11-17.

Scott, L. D., Hofmeister, N., Rogness, N., & Rogers, A. E. (2010). An interventional approach for patient and nurse safety: A fatigue countermeasures feasibility study. Nursing Research, 59(4), 250-258.

Sinclair, V. G., & Wallston, K. A. (2010). Psychological vulnerability predicts increases in depressive symptoms in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Nursing Research, 59(2), 140-146.


Topic 1: Research Findings

Select one of the sample research articles designated in the “Readings” tab (or another genuine research article) under “Sample articles for unit nine discussion.” (1) Read the article; (2) describe the study; and, (3) specifically explain how these research findings can improve patient outcomes.

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