
Problem based on critical thinking and writing

Assignment Problem:

Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings 11th Edition by Sylvan Barnet (Author); Hugo Bedau (Author); John O'Hara (Author)

Read Pages 590-597, Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing 1-8. Read pages 598-602, Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing 1-6. The homework is due on January 10th.

Part 1: Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing

Problem 1: In his first paragraph Bittman makes an assertion that he assumes all readers will accept: The need [to change our eating habits] is indisputable? He gives a reason ("heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are all in large part caused by the Standard American Diet"), but is this reason sufficient for you to agree with his assertion that the need to change diet is "indisputable"? Explain.

Problem 2: By the end of the third paragraph has Bittman pretty much won you over-or, on the other hand, has he turned you off by his confidence in his own views? Explain.

Problem 3: Bittman states his thesis in his fifth paragraph. Would the essay be equally effective-or perhaps better-if on rereading his draft he had deleted his first four paragraphs? Explain.

Problem 4: In paragraphs 9-11 Hillman summarizes possible objections to his position, and then gives reasons for rejecting these objections. Do his reasons-his rebuttals-seem adequate to you? Explain.

Problem 5: In paragraph 17 Bittman says that we currently subsidize-i.e., use tax-payer dollars to support-"unhealthful food." As a taxpayer, are you outraged that the government subsidizes corn, soybeans, and other crops? Explain.

Problem 6: Are you impressed by the argument (paragraph 18) that some other governments "tax foods with negative effects on health"?

Problem 7: Are you impressed-persuaded-by the statistics in paragraphs 20-22 and 26-28? Why, or why not?

Problem 8: Bittman's final paragraph-indeed his final sentence-mentions the Standard American Diet. Where does he first mention this diet? In term of organizing his argument, what is he up to?

Part 2: Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing

Problem 1: The first letter, by David M. Brown, asks, -What's next, a telescreen in every room to make sure we're all eating our broccoli?* Is this question an example of the slippery slope fallacy (see page 372), and, if so, can the letter therefore be dismissed?

Problem 2: Draft a letter of response either to Tony or to Sally, agreeing or disagreeing, in whole or in part.

Part 3: Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing

Problem 1: Do you regard the comments that are quoted in the first few paragraphs as mean-or perhaps merely as acceptable attempts to be amusing? That is. do you think Maya may have overreacted? Explain.

Problem 2: Do you think Facebook is making you mean? Do you say things that you might not say face to face? If the answer is "Yes," is this always a had thing? A related question: Is Facebook making you mean, or merely allowing your mean nature to express itself?

Problem 3: The final paragraph consists of only two words. Is this ending effective? Why, or why not?

Part 4: Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing

Problem 1: In his first paragraph Levy says Facebook has become "central" to our lives. Is it central to your life? Explain.

Problem 2: Do you favor Levy's proposal for a "Friend-list" (para 3 )a "reset to zero" (para 4)? Explain

Part 5: Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing

Problem 1: In the first four paragraphs Worsham reports an embarrassing episode in which a friend was for a while estranged. Do you think this son of thing is especially common on Facebook, or, on the other hand, does this sort of thing happen equally on the telephone or even in face-to-face encounters? Explain.

Problem 2: In paragraph 8, Worsham quotes Sherry Turkle about Facebook: "This Company is reshaping how we think about ourselves and define our-selves and our digital selves." Your view? Explain.

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