Problem based on clinical nursing priority problem

Assignment task: Reflect on your learning about Quantitative and Qualitative research; share two ways that helped you understand how they are different. Choose one category of study design that you found interesting and describe; include what you learned about the design and how you believe it can help study nursing problems. Refer back to your clinical nursing priority problem and evidence you located for your week 3 assignment: The nursing-evidenced practice (NEBP) committee has requested for you to make a recommendation to the team: Describe the type of research and the design that you believe would be the best way to study your problem. Discuss your rationale.

Clinical nurse priority is readmissions from relapse of opiate use disorder: Does cognitive behavioral therapy in addition to medication-assisted treatment(I) reduce readmissions to treatment by 60% (o) in outpatients with opiate use disorder(P) over a 6-month period (T), compared to current practice medication assisted treatment without cognitive behavioral therapy

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Other Subject: Problem based on clinical nursing priority problem
Reference No:- TGS03366765

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