
Problem based on biomedical computer applications create a

Assignment: Biomedical Computer Applications

[1] Create a VI to calculate the equation below and try it with these numbers. a = -4, b = 8, j=6, k=-5 Out = __________

Out= ((a^2+b^2 )-(j^2+k^2))/(2ab-2jk)

[2] Design a VI to calculate square of the given number if the given number is equal or greater than 34 and if the given number is less than 34 then find out the remainder of it when you divide it by 2. Try following given numbers and find out the output.
Given Numbers: 36, 68, 21, 8, 5, 140
Output Number: __,__,__,__,__,__

[3] Develop a VI using shift register with loop to calculate the summation of numbers from 40 to 320 and display the output. Output: ________.

[4] Generate a VI using state machines to achieve following tasks:





Summation of all even numbers between 1 to 50

Output Number: ____


Summation of all odd numbers between 1 to 50

Output Number: ____


Multiplication of numbers between 1 to 50

Output Number: ____

Note: This is an individual exam so group work is not allowed. Do not forget to write your name in this word file. Your submission should include following files either individually or in a zipped file. If you do not provide VI file then you will not get any points on that question.

[1] This word file with your name and answers. The name of this file should be Lastname_FirstNameBME335.docx
[2] VI for questions 1. The name of this file should be LastName_FirstNameBME335Q1
[3] VI for questions 2. The name of this file should be LastName_FirstNameBME335Q2
[4] VI for questions 3. The name of this file should be LastName_FirstNameBME335Q3
[5] VI for questions 4. The name of this file should be LastName_FirstNameBME335Q4

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Computer Engineering: Problem based on biomedical computer applications create a
Reference No:- TGS02654648

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