
Problem based on atoms and elements

Assignment task: Respond to the essay below.

There was much to learn this unit.  The module theme was based on atoms and elements. The concepts I was taught were atomic theory, electromagnetic radiation, quantization of energy, quantum models, periodic table, and contributions to chemistry. The concept I found the hardest this unit was remembering which scientist had which accomplishments.  I found this challenging, due to the fact there were so many names and discoveries I learned about.  I could now tell you Boyle theorized that all matter and change are due to particles and their motion, Proust stated the law of definite proportions, Lavoisier determined the law of conservation of mass, Dalton determined the law of partial pressures, and even more.

I was able to learn this difficult conception by practicing.  There were a couple of ways I practiced. One of the ways being flashcards, I made a flashcard for each scientist, and used them all the time. Another way I practiced was doing further research on them.  I googled more about each person, which gave me the chance to know them better. Knowing them better allowed me to remember them in an easier way.

This concepts application from day to day life is pretty clear to see.  The world would not be where it is today without these scientist and discoveries.  There has also been even more findings, due to the findings of those I have learned about in this module.  My personal connection to this concept is not a scientific connection, however an inspiring connection.  After learning about different scientist and their stories, I was eager to go after my own dreams.

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