Celia is a 56-year-old retiree that has diabetes. She reports that three months ago she was trying to mow the lawn and when she went to pull the starter on the mower, she "strained her left arm really badly." She immediately went inside and put some ice on it and then put it in an old sling that her grandson used when he had broken his arm. She reports that ever since then she has really been trying to take care of it and not move it so it could heal. She finally decided to see the doctor after she realized she couldn't raise her stiff arm at all. She reports that it feels "stuck" and if she tries to push it really hurts so she doesn't want to damage anything and keeps it still. Celia's hobbies include knitting and quilting. She can do both with her arm in the sling when she is sitting down but became concerned about her arm movement when she couldn't reach up and get some heavy serving dishes, which require two hands out of a high cabinet. Celia reports that her pain has gotten a bit better, but the stiffness is preventing her from. Need Assignment Help?