
Problem about patient sustained a severe tbi

Problem: Neil sustained a severe TBI at 21 years of age while he was serving as an active-duty Operation Iraqi Freedom combat soldier. His injury occurred when a suicide bomber in a vehicle packed with explosives hit the vehicle Neil was driving and detonated the explosives. Neil was the only survivor. His injuries included a depressed skull fracture, bilateral subdural hematomas, right lung contusion, open fractures of the mandible, right facial fractures, right humeral fracture, C6 vertebral fracture, sternum fracture, clavicle fractures, extensive embedded shrapnel fragments in the right face and neck, and second- and third-degree burns on his right hand, thighs, and knees. Shortly following his initial trauma, he sustained a left frontoparietal stroke. Neil was initially hospitalized and medically stabilized in Germany and then transported to the intensive care unit of an Army Medical Center in the United States. One month later, he began rehabilitation at the same facility. He had several other inpatient rehabilitation placements over the next year, eventually returning home to live with his mother approximately 1 year following his injury. Neil continued to require 24-hour care and supervision at that time. He received various home health support and outpatient services while living at home. The initial speech-language evaluation revealed slowed processing speed and memory impairments affecting performance of lengthy and complex tasks. Neil answered concrete and abstract yes/no. Need Online Tutoring?

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Other Subject: Problem about patient sustained a severe tbi
Reference No:- TGS03449722

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