Problem about naturalistic clinical care setting

Problem: Summarize into 100 words, "This study has several strengths. Firstly, since this RCT takes place in a naturalistic clinical care setting, therapy efects can also be expected in the medication group, as these patients will also have more appointments than usual due to the research assessments. Tirdly, because patients ultimately decide whether they want to participate, there might be a selection bias. Treatment with rTMS especially is time-consuming and intensive, potentially resulting in a selection of highly motivated patients. Importantly, even if rTMS attracts a certain patient population, it can be an efective treatment for depression, not limiting the additional value of this study in examining a (cost-)efective treatment alternative for depression. Fourth, the CBT in this study difers from earlier studies combining rTMS and CBT, where psychotherapy is ofered on an individual basis and during every rTMS session [18]. Tis design choice was made due to practical reasons, as individual CBT with the same schedule as rTMS is not possible in most hospital settings. Terefore, this could yield slightly diferent outcomes. Finally, the follow-up length difers between patients. Whereas we aim to collect follow-up data up until 6 months for all patients, only 70% of patients will be part

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Reference No:- TGS03439875

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