Problem: S.D. is a 38-year-old female who identifies as a cis-gender, Latina, straight female who is a doctoral student and working as a faculty member, in a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend of 3 years. She presents to your office with episodic, intermittent symptoms of excessive worrying and reports it to be difficult to control, with accompanying restlessness, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, difficulty falling and staying asleep, and fatigue. S.D described a long history of anxiety, beginning in adolescence and the most recent exacerbation in anxiety symptoms coincided with recent workup of her abdominal pain (a gastroenterologist evaluations, CT abdomen, and labs). She reports rumination on the outcomes of her workup and worries of the possibility of pancreatic cancer. What additional information do you need to appropriately treat this patient (such as clinical findings, laboratory test results, etc)? What are your differential diagnoses? What screening tool(s) would you use to help your diagnosis? What are non-pharmacological treatment options? What are pharmacological treatment options for her intermittent episodes? S.D. returns to your office 6 months later and reports persistent symptoms of anxiety. She reports improvement of symptoms with as needed treatment but continues to have symptoms five to six days per week. Looking for Assignment Help?