
problem 1work through talpac 10 basics refer to

Problem 1

Work through TALPAC 10 Basics (refer to attached handout). Answer the set of questions at the end of tutorial module.

Problem 2

Referring to both the haul cycle on page 27 and the technical data on page 29 and of TALPAC 10 Basics

1. How does the optimum number of HD785-5s at mid-life of the quarry vary with

o coefficient of traction?

o rolling resistance for poorly managed haul road?

o slope of the main (400 m @ 10%) ramp?

2. How does the optimum number of HD785-5s vary between the given periods if production cost increases at a rate of 15% per year with mid-life of the quarry as the base year?

3. How does depth of the quarry affect productivity of the operation?

4. How does material density affect productivity of the operation?

Produce necessary plots to support your answers.

Problem 3 -

A gold mine is proposing to develop a new open pit mine. The top soil will initially be removed by scraper and the remaining oxidised ore will be drilled, blasted and transported to a crusher dump site where the ore will be rehandled by FEL into a crusher. The anticipated haul road profile for the first five years is provided in Table 1.

Management imposes the following speed limit at the pit:

1. within 50 metres of the shovel or crusher, the truck speed is restricted to 20 km per hr;

2. when travelling down ramps, truck speed must not exceed 40 km per hr;

3. a maximum of 45 km per hr truck speed elsewhere when a truck is loaded and 50 km per hr when empty.

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Mathematics: problem 1work through talpac 10 basics refer to
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