Problem 1:
There are two sub-systerns. Failure. of sub-system will make. sub-system2 35% inoporable, while failure of sub-system2 will make sub systeml 1 50% inoperable
1- Matrix A can be written as:Suppose that sub-systern2 s attacked with intensity h = 90%. Using matrix equation x. = Ax + e where x is the inoperability of the sub-system A is the dependency matrix, and C is the intensity of attack pleas match the values to the following questions
2_ What is the resulting value of xl?
3_ What is the resulting wale of x2?

Problern 2:
Apply Borda algorithm to score and rank the risk events shown.

1. What is the score of "Telephone"?
2. What is the score of "Cellular'?
3. What is the score of "cable'?