
problem 1do male and female students differ

Problem 1

Do male and female students differ significantly in regard to their average math achievement scores, grades in high school, and visualization test scores? Can you conclude that there is no evidence of a systematic difference between boys and girls in each of these dependent variables? For example, can you say that girls have higher visualization scores than boys? Does the assumption of equal variances was violated in any of these tests?


Calculate and interpret effect size measures for these tests. Remember that effect size measures are not provided in the printout but can be estimated using formulas discussed in class.

Remember also to include a table with means and standard deviations in your results section for a full interpretation of the tests performed.

Problem 2

Do students' fathers or mothers have more education? You will determine if the fathers of the students who participate in this research have more education than their mothers. Remember that each child has a pair of parents whose educations are given in the data set. Based on your results: do you think highly educated men tend to marry highly educated women and vice versa? Tell the professor what statistic you use to support this conclusion. Be specific.


Do the difference in educational level is statistically significant? Can you tell from the descriptive statistic in the first table that mothers have more education; is that true?

Calculate and interpret the effect size.

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Applied Statistics: problem 1do male and female students differ
Reference No:- TGS0204770

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