
problem 1define lsquopersonality explain the

Problem 1

Define ‘personality'. Explain the personality traits influencing Organisational behaviour.

  1. A Definition of personality
  2. Listing the personality traits
  3. Explanation of the traits (Locus of control, Authoritarianism, Self-Esteem, Machiavellianism, Introversion and Extroversion, Type ‘A' and Type ‘B'


Problem 2

How is a leader different from a manager? Describe the styles of leadership.

  1. A Difference between leader and a manager
  2. List the styles of leadership
  3. Explanation of the styles of leadership

Problem 3

Explain the characteristics of a team. Discuss different types of teams.

  1. A Characteristics of a team
  2. List the types of teams
  3. Explain the types of teams


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Business Management: problem 1define lsquopersonality explain the
Reference No:- TGS0359659

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