
Problem- in the experiment of reduction of acetophenone

Problem- In the experiment of reduction of acetophenone using borohydride, we were able to confirm the formation of the product using chromic acid as a spot test.

Explain how you would be able to distinguish both the compounds (reactant and product) using (a) IR spectroscopy (b) proton NMR spectroscopy (c) and Mass Spectrometry. You cannot simply mention the differences; you must indicate a detailed explanation for each of the answers. For example, in Mass Spectrometry, you must indicate the molecular ion peaks, as well as the detailed fragmentations observed for each of these compounds. In NMR you must indicate the number of signals, their predicted chemical shift values as well as the splitting patterns. In the IR spectroscopy, you must indicate which bond vibrations would be responsible for the observed IR peaks.

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Chemistry: Problem- in the experiment of reduction of acetophenone
Reference No:- TGS0944995

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