
Problem- calculate the rotational partition function at 298

Problem- Calculate the rotational partition function at 298 K for the following molecules (all info required for calculation given).

1) CN- which has a bond length of 1.07 angstroms

2) CO2 which has a rotational constant of 0.39 cm^-1

3) H2O, which has three rotational constants: C= 9.3 cm^-1, B = 14.5cm^-1, A = 27.9 cm^-1, and a symmetry number of 2

4) CH4, which has three identical rotational constants, A=B=C= 5cm^-1, and a symmetry number of 12.

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Chemistry: Problem- calculate the rotational partition function at 298
Reference No:- TGS0945007

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