
Problem- again you are asked to take over the sanitation

Problem- Again, you are asked to take over the sanitation program for a winery. This winery is brand new, with the types of equipment listed above. The owners do not want to use anything except COLD water in the winery, because they want to encourage a natural flora to make "natural" wines.

What are the legal, moral, ethical, winequality or other issues you need to discuss with them? What are your options for complying with food law and still trying to meet their expectations for "natural" wine?

(I'm calling this an essay question, but it is more like a short answer. I just wanted you to have enough room to say what you want to say)

Determine the solution for the above problem express your work in detail

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Chemistry: Problem- again you are asked to take over the sanitation
Reference No:- TGS0954688

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