Problem- a municipal landfill in a lightly populated

Problem- A municipal landfill in a lightly populated Florida county serves 253,000 people. Each week 85 trucks bring a total of 2,180 metric tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) to the landfill.

Each truck averages two loads per day. Each truck has a capacity of 4.5 metric tons and they operate 5 days/week.

NOTE: 1 metric ton = 1,000kg

(1) How much MSW is generated per person? Answer in kg/(person-day).

(2) What is the average load (in metric tons) of each truck as it arrives at the landfill?

(3) Assume the answer to part (b) is 2.6 metric tons; at what percent capacity are the trucks operating?

(4) If the density of the compacted waste is 265 kg/m3, what is the volume (in m3) of MSW disposed of at the landfill each week?

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Chemistry: Problem- a municipal landfill in a lightly populated
Reference No:- TGS0946325

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