Devin is a deviant. He has been arrested and convicted of child pornography and attempting to lure little boys into his van that he keeps parked in an abandoned lot next to the park; to take their picture and have tea parties. He claims he would never hurt the little boys, but he just likes hanging out with kids. Devin holds a menial job, and he lives in a small, one room apartment at the edge of town.
Using your state, or a state that interests you, discuss how to best deal with Devin under the current probation and parole systems available for people like Devin; use the methods discussed in this unit, as well as any others utilized by your state. You should also discuss what the best option is for Devin, and why that will be the most effective method. Also, discuss what the least effective option is for Devin. As always, using specific case examples and statistics will strengthen your answer.