The television show Pretty Betty has been successful for many years. That show recently had a share of 16, meaning that among the TV sets in use, 16% were tuned to Pretty Betty. Assume that an advertiser wants to verify that 16% share value by conducting its own survey, and a pilot survey begins with 13 households have TV sets in use at the time of a Pretty Betty broadcast.
Round all solutions to 4 decimal places.
Find the probability that none of the households are tuned to Pretty Betty.
P(none) =
Find the probability that at least one household is tuned to Pretty Betty.
P(at least one) =
Find the probability that at most one household is tuned to Pretty Betty.
P(at most one) =
If at most one household is tuned to Pretty Betty, does it appear that the 16% share value is wrong? (Hint: Is the occurrence of at most one household tuned to Pretty Betty unusual? Does it have probability less than 0.05?)
yes, it is wrong
no, it is not wrong