Genes related to albinism are denoted by A (non-albino) and a (albino). Each person has two genes. People with AA, Aa or aA are non-albino, while people with aa are albino. The non-albino gene A is called dominant. Any parent passes one of two genes (selected randomly with equal probability) to his offspring. If a person has either Aa or aA, then he is called a carrier: he is a non-albino, but he can carry the albino gene to his offsprings.
(i) If a person is non-albine, what is the conditional probability that he is a carrier?
(ii) If a couple consists of a non-albino and an albino, what is the probability that their offsping will be albino?
(iii) Suppose that a couple consists of two non-albinos. They have two offsprings. What is the probability that both offsprings are albinos?