
Probability in statistics assignment - what is the standard

X is a random variable, normally distributed (with a normal probability density function), with mean µX and variance σ2 . Conventional shorthand notation for this is X ~ N (µX, σ2 ).

X¯ is a random sample mean computed from n independent random selections of X-values form the population. Likewise for independent random variable Y , corresponding to a different population; i.e. Y ~ N (µY , σ2 ).

Y¯ is also computed from the random, independent selection of n ( same n as that for the X population) individual Y-values. The population variances, σ2 and σ2 are known and they are not equal to each other. The population means

µX and µY are not known.

(a) What is the standard deviation (also called standard error) of the mean X¯ , i.e. σX¯ ?

(b) What is the population variance of the difference between sample means, X¯ - Y¯ (a common notation for this variance is σ2-X-Y), in terms of population X and population Y parameters, and n.

(c) What is E[X¯ - Y¯ ] in terms of population parameters?

(d) Identify the probability density function (pdf) for X¯ - Y¯ using shorthand notation

like that used to identify the pdfs for X and Y ; i.e. the N ( , ) notation. (Of course, correct expressions should be used for the mean and variance of X¯ - Y¯ .

(e) A statistical test of H0 is to be done using n particular values from population X, {x1, x2, . . . , xn}, and n particular values from population Y , {y1, y2, . . . , yn}.The null hypothesis, H0, is H0 : µXY ≤ µ0. This is a one-sided test. Keep in mind that, although the null hypotheses says µX - µY ≤ µ0, the null hypothesis is tested with a test statistics in which µXY is set equal to µ0. Because the test is one-sided, deviations of the test statistic from that expected under H0 in only one direction support the alternative hypothesis, HA.

In this case, large positive deviations from the expected support HA. State the alternative hypothesis, HA.

(f) Write an equation for the conventional test statistic, giving it the name z*; lower case because it is computed from particular values of X and Y in part (e) above. Be sure to use µ0 in this test statistic, rather than µX¯ -Y¯ . µ0 is the same as µX¯ -Y¯ only when H0 is true.

(g) Consider a population of such test statistics, each computed with n independent, random X-values, and n independent, random Y -values, so the means X¯ and Y¯ are random variables. Consequently, the test statistic is random; let's call it Z*. Write the expression
for Z* (in which µ0 should appear, as in (f) above).

(h) The test statistic Z* has different pdfs under H0 and HA. This is the essence of hypothesis testing. Write the expression for Z* in the case where the null hypothesis is true. In this case, the true difference of population means µXY is equal to µ0. Therefor, replace µ0 in the test statistic in part (g) above by µX - µY . Call this test statistic Z* to clearly

identify it as the test statistic in the case where µX - µY = µ0. Identify the pdf of Z* continuing to use the standard short-hand notation above).

(i) In the case where HA is true, and µX - µY > µ0 by some amount δ. Consequently, µ0 can be written as µ0 = (µX - µY ) - δ. Substitute this expression for µ0 into your test statistic in part (g) above, and call it Z*FALSE to clearly identify it as the test statistic where H0 is false (HA is true).

(j) This is a good time to check your work so far. Z*TRUE should be a standard normal random variable. Express Z*FALSE as the sum of 2 terms, where one of the terms is identical to Z*TRUE, and the other is a constant, δ/σ ¯X ¯Y . If this step is not consistent with what you TRUE X-Y have obtained up to this point, there is some error somewhere.

Identify the pdf of Z*FALSE (using the same shorthand notation).

(k) The statistical test is to be done at a significance level α, so H0 will be rejected if Z* > z1-α, i.e., the (1 - α) quantile of a standard normal random variable. An example is α = 0.05. We demand a power (1 - β). This means that we want a probability of rejecting H0 when it is false (so the true and hypothesized means differ by δ) to be (1 - β).

One can ask, by how much does the pdf of Z*TRUE have to be shifted rightward to give a Z*FALSE such that samples from the Z*FALSE fall in the rejection region consisting of values greater than the (1 - α) quantile of a standard normal random variable, Z*TRUE, with probability (1- β). The answer is, in order to achieve the specified power, the β quantile of Z*FALSE must coincide with the 1 - α quantile of the standard normal random variable Z*TRUE , z1-α.

This shift is z1-α - zβ.

Sketch the pdf of Z*TRUE(call the abscissa variable z) and mark the point z1-α on the z axis.

(l) On the same plot, sketch the pdf for Z*FALSE so that its β quantile coincides with the 1 - α quantile of Z*TRUE.

(m) Write an equation for δ that gives the specified power (1 - β), at the specified value of α, with the number of sample points, n, and given σ2X and σ2Y .

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Basic Statistics: Probability in statistics assignment - what is the standard
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