
Private sub btnbedrock_click

1. what is the output of the code?
Private Sub btnSevens_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnSevens.Click
Dim intCount As Integer
For intCount = 1 To 7
End Sub
Private Sub CalculateSevens(ByVal intCountValue As Integer)
Dim intResult As Integer
intResult = intCountValue ^ 3
End Sub

2. What is the output of the code? 
Private Sub btnJoke_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnJoke.Click
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayAnswer()
lblAnswer.Text = "Because it has a spring in it"
End Sub
Sub DisplayRiddle()
lblRiddle.Text = "Why should you carry a watch when crossing a
End Sub

3. what is the output of the code?
Private Sub btnBedrock_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnBedrock.Click
Dim strFullName As String = "Fred Flintstone"
Dim strSecondName As String = "Barney Rubble"
CountLength(strFullName, strSecondName)
lblEnd.Text = "My favorite was " & strSecondName
End Sub
Private Sub CountLength(ByVal strFullName As String, ByRef strSecondName As
lblFirst.Text = "The first name has " & strFullName.Length & "
lblSecond.Text = "The second name has " & strSecondName.Length & "
strSecondName = "Dino"
End Sub

4. What is the output of the code in figure 8-65
Private Sub btnStrangeFacts_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As 
System.EventArgs) Handles btnStrangeFacts.Click
Dim intHangerLength As Integer = 44
Dim intMen As Integer = 2000
Dim int Women As Integer = 7000
Dim intValue As Integer

intValue = Talk(intMen, intWomen)
lblResponse.Text = "The couple would say" & IntValue & " words a 
AverageHanger (intHangerLength)
End Sub

Private Sub AverageHanger (ByVal intHanger As Integer)
lblPhrase.Text = "The average length if a coat hanger when
straightened is " & intHanger & "inches."
End Sub

Function Talk (ByVal intM As Integer, ByVal intW As Integer) As Integer
lblPhrase1.Text = "The average man says " & intM & "words a day"
lblPhrase2.Text = "The average women says " & intW & "words a 
Return intM + intW
End Function

5.A program contains the procedure declaration shown in figure 8-66. Write the function call statement that assigns the returned value to intCubed and passes a variable named intValue

Private Function Cube (ByVal intNum As Integer) As Integer
Return intNum * intNum * intNum
End Fucntion

6. Write a statement that passes the variable intBase to a procedure and assigns the return value to a variable named intSolution. Write the code that would declare a variable named intPopulation as an Integer. Allow the user to enter the population of their city in a TextBox object named txtCityPopulation. Convert the value to an integer within a Try block. Write a Try-Catch black with an overflow Catch block first, a format exception Catch block second, and a generic exception last. Each Catch block should display a message box explaining the problem with the user's input.

7.Write the code for a Sub procedure named FindHeight that will calculate the total number of inches based on the height of a person when given the feet and inches. For example, if a person is 5'10", they are 70 inches tall. Display the result in a message box. 

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Programming Languages: Private sub btnbedrock_click
Reference No:- TGS081669

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