Question: What is the entirely private and internal subjective experience of sense perceptions (like "red"), arising from stimulation of the senses by external phenomena. Below are the choices A. Neural configuration being copy & pasted into afterlife is not the same cause B. Substance Dualism C. Mental Capacities D. Intentionality E. Buddhism F. Ultimate vs. Conventional Language G. Property Dualism H. Identity of Indiscernibles I. Token Identity Theory J. Psychologically Continuous Criterion K. Hard Problem of Consciousness L. Judaism M. Memory criterion of Identity N. Hinduism O. Numerical Identity P. Epiphenomenalism Q. Soul is not sufficient to preserve personal identity R. Qualia S. Senile General thought experiment T. Inverted Spectrum Problem U. Type Identity Theory V. Eliminative Materialism W. Closest Continuer Criterion X. Panpsychism Y. Perdurantism Z. Sorites Paradox AA. Ship of Theseus