
Private -nbspprivate means to keep something a secret from



Virtual. Anything which is not real is said to be in a state of virtuality. Thus, virtual means which is not real.

Private: - Private means to keep something a secret from the general public. Thus, under private network no third party interrupts this communication or receives any data that is exchanged between them.

Network. A network may be defined as a medium through which we communicate each other and is set up through wires and cables.

VPN is a network. It may be defined as a kind of network that uses public network path but maintains the security of private network thus, maintaining the privacy.


VPN Topology

The most basic topology consists of two main VPN topologies:-

  1. Meshed
  2. Star

Meshed VPN topology:-

Under this type of VPN community, VPN site can create a VPN tunnel with any other site in the community

Star VPN topology:-

A star may be defined as a VPN community which consists of two components namely:-

  1. Satellite Security
  2. Security Gateways.

This type of topology is suitable when an organization needs to exchange information with networks belonging to other external parties.

Based on OSI layers, VPN types may be classified into three types namely:-

  1. Data link layer
  2. Network layer
  3. Application Layer

Data Link Layer:-

With this layer, two types of private networks are connected on layer two of OSI model.

Network Layer VPN:-

VPN uses and operate at Layer 2 and layer 3 Of OSI model. The difference between the two is that layer 2 uses Ethernet while layer 3 uses IP.

Application Layer VPN's

This type of layer is created to work with certain applications. The main drawback of this type of layer is that they are not seamless.

Layer 2 protocols which are widely used are:-

  1. Layer 2 tunneling protocol
  2. Point to Point tunneling protocol

Under layer 3 the most widely used protocol includes Multi protocol label switching protocol. 

Types of VPNs

Three types of VPN that are used are:-

  1. Remote access VPN
  2. Intranet VPN
  3. Extranet VPN. 

            Remote access VPNs allows users to connect it anywhere and wherever whoever needed. All the resources can be accessed by organization network as if they are physically located in an organization

This type of network provides advantages such as:-

  1. Reduced Capital cost
  2. Easy to use, greater scalability

Intranet VPNs, under this, virtual circuits are created between organization offices. Advantages that may accrue include the following:-

1.      Reduced costs

2.      Flexibility

3.      Avoidance of traffic.

Extranet VPN: - The Extranet VPN is same as intranet VPN, the only difference which lies is difference in the users.

Advantages of VPN:-

  1. Easy to set up global operation because remote workers allow the same.
  2. Increasing Employee productivity:- VPN helps in increasing the employees productivity
  3. Improved security:- VPN helps in improving the security by providing additional security measures
  4. Scalability: - Any amount of capacity can be added in VPN.

VPN in mobile network:-

Mobile VPN is used widely for public safety. Thus, professional who need reliable connections use mobile VPN. Thus, these networks are used seamlessly across networks and in or out of wireless coverage areas without losing or missing any session.


Today more and more businesses demand higher level of network access and expanding the network and analyzing the benefits of using internet helps in creating a backbone for VPN.

Future of VPN industry depends on how it will enable the customers to communicate effectively with other consumers, to create more demand of VPN, companies must try to reduce the cost of service and operation. 


            VPN is an emerging technology and is still in the stage of development. This is biggest advantage to businesses because technology is developing with them and thus will help to cater to the needs of business organization. Moving far from insecure break off of public network, this provides a secure tool which uses internet at its gateway.

 Businesses now have additional advantage of allowing employees and workers to work from their place. VPN will also help businesses to expand the business globally across the nation. The only thing which is required from such technology is to reduce the cost of service operation, its maintenance.


  1. https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/V/VPN.html
  2. https://searchenterprisewan.techtarget.com/definition/virtual-private-network
  3. https://www.careerride.com/Networking-types-of-VPN.aspx
  4. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc739294(v=ws.10).aspx
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network
  6. https://www.business.att.com/content/whitepaper/next_generation.pdf
  7. https://www.checkpoint.com/products/downloads/vpn-1_remote_access.pdf
  8. https://www.cisco.com/warp/public/cc/so/neso/vpn/vpne/vpn21_rg.htm

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Microeconomics: Private -nbspprivate means to keep something a secret from
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