
Priority for access to medical resources and health care

Problem: To what extent should we take into account individual responsibility for need in deciding who gets these medical resources?

The needs of both Robert and Susan. Both need liver transplants.

Robert's Story

Roberts' liver is failing because he is a 75 year old recovering alcoholic, and smoked 2-3 packets per day throughout his life. Robert was baptized and attended a baptist church as a kid, but has not been very active in church.

Susan's Story

Susan's liver is failing because she is genetically disposed to liver disease. She is 40 years old, a vegan, a Christian, and was a marathon runner until her health status deteriorated.

Post-transplant Prognosis

Both have excellent post-transplant prognoses

Robert quit smoking 5 years ago and started a new diet.

Susan has been volunteering at the local soup kitchen and donated her body to science upon death.

When should individual decisions and responsibility count priority for access to medical resources and health care?

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Reference No:- TGS03384000

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