Define the given terms:
Linux history
Operating system characteristics
Licensing requirements
GNU-General Public License
Different Linux installations
Custom installation
System requirements
First two levels of Linux directory structure
Commands for file system usage and management
System variables
Creation and modification of files using vi and cat
File and directory backup
Switch user from casual to root account
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
Adding new user accounts
File and directory ownership
Group management
Creating shell scripts
Using variables in a script
IP addressing and configuration
Domain Name Services (DNS) server
Network configuration
Routing table
Advantages of ssh and scp
Use of system-config-printer to manage CUPS
Printer and document management commands
Differences among various local, and networked, printing options
Advantages for using xinetd
Nfs, Samba, vsFTP
/var directory as a log depository
Desktop Tools.