
Print the grid lines for the tic-tac-toe game board

not(X) :- call(X), !, fail.

line(A,B,C) :- ordered_line(A,B,C).
line(A,B,C) :- ordered_line(A,C,B).
line(A,B,C) :- ordered_line(B,A,C).
line(A,B,C) :- ordered_line(B,C,A).
line(A,B,C) :- ordered_line(C,A,B).
line(A,B,C) :- ordered_line(C,B,A).
full(A) :- x(A).
full(A) :- o(A).
empty(A) :- not(full(A)).
% NB: empty must be called with an already-instantiated A.
different(A,B) :- not(same(A,B)).
move(A) :- good(A), empty(A), !.
% strategy:
good(A) :- win(A).
good(A) :- block_win(A).
good(A) :- split(A).
good(A) :- strong_build(A).
good(A) :- weak_build(A).
% defaults:
good(1). good(3). good(7). good(9).
good(2). good(4). good(6). good(8).
win(A) :- x(B), x(C), line(A,B,C).
block_win(A) :- o(B), o(C), line(A,B,C).
split(A) :- x(B), x(C), different(B,C), line(A,B,D), line(A,C,E),
empty(D), empty(E).
strong_build(A) :- x(B), line(A,B,C), empty(C), not(risky(C)).
weak_build(A) :- x(B), line(A,B,C), empty(C), not(double_risky(C)).
risky(C) :- o(D), line(C,D,E), empty(E).
double_risky(C) :- o(D), o(E), different(D,E), line(C,D,F), line(C,E,G),
empty(F), empty(G).
all_full :- full(1), full(2), full(3), full(4), full(5), full(6),
full(7), full(8), full(9).
done :- ordered_line(A,B,C), x(A), x(B), x(C),
write('I won.'), nl.
done :- all_full, write('Draw.'), nl.
getmove :- repeat, write('Please enter a move: '), read(X),
empty(X), assertz(o(X)).
makemove :- move(X), !, assertz(x(X)).
makemove :- all_full.
printsquare(N) :- o(N), write(' o ').
printsquare(N) :- x(N), write(' x ').
printsquare(N) :- empty(N), write(' ').
printboard :-
printsquare(1), printsquare(2), printsquare(3), nl,
printsquare(4), printsquare(5), printsquare(6), nl,
printsquare(7), printsquare(8), printsquare(9), nl.
clear :- x(A), retract(x(A)), fail.
clear :- o(A), retract(o(A)), fail.
play :- not(clear), repeat, getmove, respond.
respond :- ordered_line(A,B,C), o(A), o(B), o(C),
printboard, write('You won.'), nl.
% (shouldn't ever happen!)
respond :- makemove, printboard, done.

You are to modify the Prolog tic-tac-toe program to do the following:
Print the grid lines for the tic-tac-toe game board, and demonstrate a short game by printing the table after each of your play.
Produce instructions for playing the game, when the game is loaded and when the "play" command is executed. 

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Basic Computer Science: Print the grid lines for the tic-tac-toe game board
Reference No:- TGS0128518

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