String Problem
For each numerical value 0, 1, 2, ...9 (0 <= NUMBER <= 9), embedded in a sentence, convert that value to its equivalent English text.
Print the converted sentence both to the screen and to an output file. Your input file consists of a variable number of records.
Each record is a sentence of length <= 80 characters.
More than one numerical value in the given range may appear in a sentence. You must deal with upper and lower case issues.
If a line begins with a single digit, write that digit as a word starting with an uppercase letter.
See the examples below.
Input Record: 3 foxes were chasing 5 rabbits and 10 ducks.
Output Record: Three foxes were chasing five rabbits and 10 ducks.
Input Record: I used 3 eggs out of the 12 for the cake.
Output Record: I used three eggs out of the 12 for the cake.
Input Record: 1 picture is worth 1000 words.
Output Record: One picture is worth 1000 words.
Input Record: There are 260 students enrolled in Java.
Output Record: There are 260 students enrolled in Java.
Create the following as an input file for testing.
The 8 eggs were separated into 3 groups.
5 boys and 7 girls were present.
He was 1 hour and 5 minutes late.
She ate 3 dozen doughnuts!
4 dogs were chasing 3 cats.
The captain said, "This is the 0 hour". I tried to call you 9 times today; Ann tried 6 times!!
The 12 firemen worked quickly.
Prompt the user for the name of the input file. Name your output file "outSentences.txt" . Save the output file in the same directory as your code to make grading on different systems easier.
More details: Create two class files. One class is the Converter.
It has a StringBuilder field for the original sentence and a String field for the converted sentence.
The constructor will call a method to convert the original sentence. You are to use only a select few methods of the StringBuilder class for the conversion.
These are the only methods of the String and StringBuilder class you are permitted to use:
StringBuilder: String: constructors constructors charAt( ) charAt( ) indexOf( ) length( ) length( ) replace( )
You are also permitted the use of the isDigit( ) method from the Character class.
The second class is the driver class
The driver will contain the main( ) method.
The main( ) method will open a file for input.
Read the file line by line and send each line to the Converter class.
The main( ) method will call the get method( ) of the Converter class to get the converted string, and print this string both to the screen and to a file.