
Print the complement as well as the reverse complement of

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  • Please clean up any unused code - commented out print statements are fine, but remove anything else unused.
  • Close files after opening them.
  • Echo what's happening in the program for major steps via print statements.
  • Make sure your 'final' directory has 707 permissions, so others may not read your scripts, but I can execute them.

1. Write a program that allows you to type in a DNA sequence, finds the complement of that sequence, and then reverses it - the final product is the reverse complement of the DNA sequence input. E.g. if you enter 5' AATGCTTGGCCAT 3', the reverse complement is 5' ATGGCCAAGCATT 3'.

Make allowances for DNA sequence entries in either upper case or lower case. Print the complement as well as the reverse complement of the input DNA sequence. Provide both source code and the output of the program as it runs.

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Basic Statistics: Print the complement as well as the reverse complement of
Reference No:- TGS02551519

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