
Print out the number of coins and total value in dollars

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Write a program that prints

Lab 2 written by YOURNAME

and calls two methods:

Input the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies from the user. Print out the number of coins and total value in dollars.
Input the number of cents from the user. Determine and print out the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies to add up to that number of cents. No, you can't use all pennies.

Getting Input from the User

You can get input from the user using a Scanner object. Here is an example program with key lines in bold.

import java.util.*;

public class HalfDollar {
public static final Scanner CONSOLE = new Scanner(System.in);

public static void main(String[] args) {
halfDollarAmount( );

public static void halfDollarAmount( ) {
System.out.print("Enter the number of half dollars: ");
int halfDollar = CONSOLE.nextInt( );
double amount = halfDollar * 0.50;
System.out.println(halfDollar + " half dollars is $" + amount);

The import statement tells Java that we want to use Java's java.util package (Scanner is part of this package).

The statement:

public static final Scanner CONSOLE = new Scanner(System.in);

declares a special kind of variable (a class constant) named CONSOLE of type Scanner and stores an "object" for input from the keyboard in CONSOLE. CONSOLE can be used anywhere in the class.

The first two statements of the halfDollarAmount method:

prompt the user for information, and
input a number from the keyboard and stores the number in a variable named halfDollar.

You only need the declaration/assignment for CONSOLE once in the class. On the other hand, you need prompt and input statements for each value you want the user to enter.
Local Variables

You should have local variables for each value that is entered and each value that you calculate. For example, for the first method there should be a local variable that stores the total dollar amount of the change, as well as a local variable for the total number of coins.
Making Change

For the second method, we can use integer division and the mod operator to make change. Suppose the user enters 99 as the number of cents. The sequence of calculations should be as follows.

The integer division 99 / 25 can be used to determine the number of quarters (3).
Using the mod operator 99 % 25 determines the remaining number of cents to be converted into change (24).
Integer division 24 / 10 can be used again to determine the number of dimes (2).
The mod operator 24 % 10 can be used again to determine the remaining amount (4).
Next, for nickels, integer division 4 / 5 for the number of nickels (0) and a mod operation 4 % 5 for the remaining amount (4).
Whatever is left is the number of pennies (4).

Of course the values that were calculated (3, 24, 2, 4, 0, 4) would be different if the user enters something different from 99. This means we should have variables to store all of these values. For example, we might have a variable named cents to hold the value that the user entered, a variable named remainingAfterQuarters for the remaining amount after the quarters are determined, which could be assigned by:

int remainingAfterQuarters = cents % 25;

Output File

Include the output of your program in a file named CoinsOutput.txt.

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Programming Languages: Print out the number of coins and total value in dollars
Reference No:- TGS097489

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