
print mediaamong the print media that carry

Print Media

Among the print media that carry contents of mass communication, the daily newspapers takes the centre postion. Today's newspapers bring out supplements almost every day relating to science and technology, education, business and industry, management, sports and games, cultural events, entertainment, and so on. Besides these daily supplements, they also bring out Saturday and Sunday magazines. They also bring out special supplements on occasions that are nationally significant, for example, Republic Day Teachers Day, Independence Day, Martyrs Day, or important religious festivals. 

There are also daily newspapers exclusively devoted to economic and business affairs e.g., Economic Times they also cover matters relating to films and such other subjects of public interest and potential demand.

The fortnightly, weekly and monthly popular magazines are predominantly light reading material, having more entertainment features rather than informative or educative matter. They have, though, wide circulation both in English and Indian languages.

Newspapers carry news, commentaries, analysis and reviews on current significant events and personalities, activities, feature articles on subjects of current interest, sports and games, general information on weather, local programmes and activities, radio and stock market news, television programmes, business information and many others. Advertisements occupy a major share of space in almost every newspaper. Except wealthy newspapers of industrial and business houses which have their own mechanisms for news supply, the others get' their news supply by Reuters, Associated Press, Press Trust of India, Indian News Agency and such others. 

Newspaper industries are well structured and maintained, in terms of administration and management and are staffed with persons who are academically qualified with professional training/experience, good technicians to use modern technologies effectively for production.

The editorial staff of newspapers include reporters, editors at various levels, analysts, and feature writers. The production staff comprises technologists, technicians with various professional experience and training and professional managers.
Many newspaper agencies, particularly the well established ones, bring out their products not only in print media but in microforms and electronic media as well. Some newspapers have good documentation and information service units also e.g., The Times of India, The Hindu and others are bringing out Internet editions.

Research libraries build up newspaper collections, because of their archival and historical research value and offer newspaper clipping service. Microfilms of newspapers are taking out for long time preservation.

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Humanities: print mediaamong the print media that carry
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