
Principles of software reliability

Question 1: What do you mean by the term software reliability? Distinguish between the terms software reliability and hardware reliability.

Question 2: Distinguish between fault, error and failure. Does testing observe faults or failures?

Question 3: What are the various classes of software failure?

Question 4: What are the suppositions made in Jelinski-Moranda Model? Describe the J-M model and what its limitations are.

Question 5: Illustrate the difference between software reliability and hardware reliability?

Question 6: What do you mean by the term software fault tolerance? Describe the recovery block and N-version software methods to fault tolerance.

Question 7: What do you mean by the term metric? Give an overview of the various reliability metrics.

Question 8: Illustrate the differences between JM model, GO model and Musa’s basic execution time model? Describe.

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Software Engineering: Principles of software reliability
Reference No:- TGS07798

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