
Principles of project management aiding operations manager

Question A: By taking an organization or a product from an industry, critically describe the main factors which influence the choice of a process design.

Question B: How do you see the major principles of project management aiding the operations manager/manageress in introducing change to the process or system?


1) Your answer must not exceed 2,500 words.

2) Word-processed (letter size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 spaces).

3) Scripts which are excessively long (that is, exceeding the limit by more than 10%) will not be read beyond the point of the word limit.

4) The word limit applies to the main report only, and excludes exhibits, cover page, list of references and so on.

5) The paper must comprise:

a) A cover page, which must give: Assignment name, date and number of words.
b) Table of contents.
c) Numbered pages.
d) A list of references.

6) The body text must be fully referenced (Harvard Referencing System), with clear introduction, discussion and conclusion parts.

7) Please note that assignment marks will as well be based on aspects like use of examples, figures, tables, illustrations and statistics that indicate wider or independent reading.


1) One of the clear academic objectives of a Master’s level program is to show in the paper that you have read, understood and ‘absorbed as your own’ the many concepts related with Operations Management.

2) That is not the same as providing a summary of which author said what; good assignments describe the literature in terms of themes or concepts.

3) Try to structure your paragraphs so that:

a) The first sentence introduces the theme or concept described in the paragraph.
b) The paragraphs themselves must be grouped in such a way that your ‘story’ flows in a structured, balanced and comprehensible manner.

Presentation style and clarity are important:

It does not expect perfect English, but please proofread your work to eradicate confusing passages and major errors. Students often accidentally skip whole sections, which causes them to lose many points. Data must be clearly laid out in tabular format so that your approach and answer are both plainly evident.

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Operation Management: Principles of project management aiding operations manager
Reference No:- TGS03405

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