
Principles of marketing

Search for an article about marketing or consumer behavior and shoulld to new.Then summarize.

Article guideline:

1. Choose only articles discussing assigned topics from well known publications — not general business articles. Avoid long, detailed research papers.

2. Articles must be current — within the last 3 months.

3. Articles must have source and publication date imprinted on them.

4. Attach article, neatly trimmed, by stapling to template. Underline or highlight key facts, which form the basis of your focus.

1. Introduction to marketing

1.1 definition of marketing

1.2 origins of marketing

1.3 procedure of marketin activities

1.1 definition of marketing:
 It can be defined as a system of activities, provided by individuals/organizations,which are designed to provide buyers with desired products and services. It includes

1.1.1 providers: may be individuals working out of their homes, producing unique items or individual services or large,multinational organizations with patented capabilities,designed for mass production.

1.1.2 buyers: ultimate consumers or organizations purchasing for resale.The attachment is given below

Attachment:- principles of marketing.rar

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Marketing Management: Principles of marketing
Reference No:- TGS01746827

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