
Principles of machiavellis political teaching

Discuss the below in 8 to 12 page:

Q1) Summarize the central concepts and principles of Machiavelli's political teaching. What "advice" given by Machiavelli to the statesman in The Prince is still relevant to contemporary politics? What "advice" is not relevant at all to present day politics? Be specific with your examples and be sure to give reasons why your chosen examples of modern politics validate or do not validate Machiavelli's key ideas or advice.

Q2) The political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan (1651) consists of 3 major steps in his logical argument - step 1 - the state of nature; step 2 - the covenant or social contract; step 3 - the creation of a sovereign state and definition of its authority and obligations. Which step (or steps) in his argument are the most convincing in your informed opinion and why? Which step (or steps) are the least convincing and why?

Q3) John Locke's political philosophy of liberalism in his Second Treatise (1689) sought to improve upon Hobbes's attempt to reconcile individual liberty and sovereign authority. Point out as many differences as you can find between Locke's political theory and that of Hobbes. Choose one difference that you agree with Locke on and one difference you agree with Hobbes on and then explain why in much more detail.

Q4) Why was Locke confident that effective and legitimate government could be limited? What specific mechanisms in his model of government limit its power? Do you believe the way the world operates today that we can effectively function with a very limited government? Why or why not?

Q5) Compare the main features of Locke's model of government with the model of government designed by the American Founding Fathers and written into the United States Constitution. Evaluate key similarities and differences between Locke and the U.S. Constitution. Finally, which aspects of the U.S. Constitution do you think are obsolete or do not work well in the 21st century world? Why?

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Other Subject: Principles of machiavellis political teaching
Reference No:- TGS01941529

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